BET announced on Monday that social activist and TV personality, Amanda Seales, will be hosting the 2020 awards show on June 28. The news comes a week after Seales announced that she is leaving daytime talk show, The Real, after six months because she was unable to “speak to my people the way they need to be spoken to.”
“Shout out to everyone who wasn’t a d**k about me hosting the BET Awards,” Seales tweeted. “It’s gonna be a beautiful, funny, blackidy, black time, and I’m honored to celebrate with y’all.”
Amidst the Coronavirus pandemic, some of the top entertainment events and festivals, including Rolling Loud, Essence Fest, and Coachella, have been cancelled. The BET Awards, however, announced back in May that the 2020 awards show will air virtually “using an array of innovative techniques and artist-generated content.” Seales is hosting this year’s show with performances by Alicia Keys, Chloe and Halle, DaBaby, and Megan Thee Stallion, amongst many others.
Drake is a leading nominee for the BET Awards with six nominations, followed behind by Megan Thee Stallion and Roddy Rich, both tied with five nominations each.
This year marks the 20th anniversary of the BET Awards and the 40th anniversary of the BET network, so BET and fans are anticipating a special night. The BET Awards will air Sunday, June 28, from 8-11 p.m. ET/PT across Viacom networks, including BET and BET HER and will be broadcasted nationally for the first time on CBS. Viewers can also stream using CBS All Access.
Fans took to social media to congratulate Seales on the good news.
“Black beauty at its best,” one user tweeted.” The essence of smart intelligence that I adore in our black women you embrace it.”
“I think her hosting and bringing some of the smart, funny, and black energy will be just what is needed this year,” another user wrote.